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  • Writer's pictureFatima Tan'ia


I know all of you have seen the meme floating around on social media encouraging entrepreneurship and coming out of this pandemic with a new skill. Let me be very clear the most important things we all should be doing is keeping a sane mind and healthy body. This isolation time has been rough for both introverts and extroverts; none of us are exempt. We have all had that moment(s) where we simply needed rest and did not feel like ourselves. Here are 5 things I have been doing during social distancing.


I used to read all the time but can honestly say I haven't done much of it recently. Reading has so many benefits; you will always learn something. Reading is great for self care and of course we all know READING IS FUNDAMENTAL (LOL). Here are a few of the books I am currently reading:

The Productivity Project by Chris Bailey

My Fashion Fairy Tale by Nichole Lynel

Red Flags Run by Ashley W. Gillett

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Some of these books are currently free with audiobook or kindle unlimited.


The hope is that this self distancing and quarantine will pass sometime soon and whether you are an introvert or extrovert you are going to wan to the hit concrete running. I try to travel out of the country 2-3 times a years and additional trips throughout the USA. Although I did take a winter ski trip to Canada in January I would most definitely have been on trip 2 or 3. Start researching some places you haven't visited, jot down a few brunch spots (check out "On Sundays we Brunch in Harlem" if you live or will be visiting the NYC area). I have a trip to Philly (Roots Picnic) planned that has already been moved from May to June however if it is cancelled I have been researching Barcelona, Tulum, Cayman Islands and Curacao and have repeated trips planned for D.C. and L.A.


I get so excited at the first sight of spring because it means I can run outside. When I am outside running I notice my time is much better and the distance I run is longer; the smell of fresh air and the sight of flowers blooming does something to me. I also attend a weekly choreo class that has halted with the self isolation. Although we are all confined to our homes it requires a little more creativity. I ordered some weights, a treadmill, jump rope and my choreo dance class instructor Mel from "Killer Bodies" has now moved classes online via zoom. 30-45 minutes a day of movement daily is great both mentally and physically.


I redecorate aspects of my home space 3-4 months. This doesn't require you to buy a ton of new future but can be a simple shift in movement to some of the pieces you currently have in your home. I have ordered some new shower curtains and hand towels and am looking at new bedspreads and rugs. I am an avid Homegood's shopper but have recently resorted to looking online at Wayfair and Overtsock.


Winter is OVER. This is a perfect time to do a massive purge and re-organize your clothes, shoes and coats. I ill be posting the reorganization of my shoes next week (stay tuned). Look at the pieces that you have and make a list of what you would like to add your wardrobe. For the items that are too small or that you dont have plans on wearing consider donating at a later date or selling online.

Just like that... 5 things to add to your list of to do's during this time of social distancing. Feel free to add any comments below of things you are doing to stay busy or plain ole sane. Sending all of you love and light during this crazy time. Stay HOME and be safe.

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